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Today, most people will agree that the United States is in a mess. The Federal Government keeps getting bigger, but can't seem to solve any problems. Crime is out of control, and solution is not in sight. The economy is falling apart, Unemployment is very high. Taxes are higher. Every politician tries to fool the people into believing he has a solution - yet - every "solution" proposed calls for more 4 more to be taken of your and my Fruits of Labor. The "solutions" do not solve anything, only make the politicians richer, and create more jobs for more bureaucrats. This was not always so. By design, our State and Federal governments are "grass roots governments". They were created by "We The People". Isn't it about time we looked for solutions ourselves, instead of "letting George do it" for us? George hasn't been doing the job. As a result the governments are now running us. This is wrong. It is our personal responsibility to correct matters, if the idea of self-government is to survive in the United States. It has been said that Truth is Stranger than Fiction. The controlled media will not tell you the truth, which is why this booklet is being written. You need to know the Truth if you are to correct matters, and the job of correction is your job and mine. There is a solution, once the Truth is known!
PRESENTLY, there is no jurisdiction possible by the courts over any individual citizen in the U.S.!
Would you believe that OHIO is not a state of the United States? Would you believe that this fact is one of the best-kept secrets of the 20th Century? Well, it is true... OHIO IS NOT ONE of the States of the U.S., and you have not been told the truth about OHIO. Your history books say that OHIO was admitted as the 17th State on March 1, 1803. This is not true! OHIO has never been admitted to the union of States known as the United States of America. Does this fact shock you??? It should!!!
Does it affect your life, liberty and property? Yes, it does, every day of your life.
On August 7, 1953, the U.S. Congress allegedly admitted OHIO as a State of the United States, retroactive to March 1, 1803 --- 150 years ex post facto.
Public Law 204 CHAPTER 337
August 7, 1953
For admitting the State of Ohio into the Union. (H. J. Res. 121)
Whereas, in pursuance of an act of Congress, passed on the thirtieth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and two, entitled "An Act to enable the people of the Eastern division of the territory northwest of the river Ohio to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union, on an equal footing With the original States and for other purposes the people of the said territory did on the twenty-ninth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and two, by a convention called for that purpose, form for themselves a constitution and
state government, which constitution and state government, so formed is republican, and in conformity to the principles, of the articles of compact between the original States, and the people and States in the territory north-west of the river Ohio, passed on the thirteenth day of July, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven: Therefore, be it USC 1952 ed.,
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That the State of 0HI0, shall be one, and is hereby declared to be one, of the United States Of America, and is admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original States, in all respects whatever.
Sec. 2. This joint resolution shall take effect as of 'March 1, 1803.
Approved August 7, 1953
EX POST FACTO LAW - Pure & Simple.
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3. "President" JAMES A. GARFIELD, served March 4, 1881 to Sept. 20, 1881, Born: Orange, OHIO. Assassinated, and died in Office.
4. "President" BENJAMIN HARRISON, served 1889 to 1893. Born: North Bend, OHIO.
5. "President" WILLIAM MC KINLEY, served 1897 to 1901. Born: Niles, OHIO. Assassinated and died in Office.
6. "Vice-President" CHARLES WARREN FAIRBANKS, served 1905 to 1909. Born: OHIO, no town specified.
7. "President" WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT, served 1909 to 1913. Born: Cincinnati, OHIO.
8. "President" WARREN G. HARDING, served 1921 to 1923. Born: Corsica, OHIO.
In addition, at the time of their "election", only GRANT, HARRISON And FAIRBANKS were residents of the United States. All the rest were OHIO Residents at the time of their election. They did not meet the 14-years residence requirement. None of the above were lawfully the President or Vice-President of the United States.
They were agents of a foreign State.
Since the Civil War, the OHIO REPUBLICANS were in control of the major political party of the United States. They were not representative of any State of the United States. Yet, they controlled the highest offices of the United States.
It was this element, foreign to our Constitutional Republic, which laid the groundwork, and accomplished the deed of making the United States Senate inoperative, the U.S. Constitution temporarily inoperative as well. Today, the U.S. Constitution is inoperative, made so by the OHIO CONNECTION. We have to look back to 1905 1913 to find out how the U.S. Constitution was rendered in operative.
The U.S. Constitution is a Contract, by which the United States was created. There are two(2) separate independent contracting parties:
1. Part A is "We the People as stated in the Preamble Constitution.
2. Party B is the States as set forth in Art. VII, U.S. Constitution, which says:
"The Ratification of the Convention of nine States, shall be sufficient for Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same. Art.VII, U.S. Constitution.
The Contract is set up like most corporations, namely; that it Requires two (2) signatures on all legal documents, checks, etc.. In the case of the U.S., the two (2) signatures are to be supplied by Party A through its agent, the House of Representatives, and by Party B through its agent, the U.S. Senate. Anything else is a breach-of-Contract; an illegal corporate transaction; null&void.
Since 1914, Part B has not signed any corporate documents, clear a breach of the Contract. This is really what is wrong with the United States Government today. In order to correct the problem, the first step is to define it. The problem is simply defined: PARTY B HAS BEEN LOCKED OUT OF THE CONTRACT, AND CANNOT FULFIL ITS CONNTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS, allegedly due to the 17th Amendment which provided for the direct election of U.S.
Senators. Since 1914, Party A has been represented in both Houses of the U.S. Congress. PARTY B IS NOT REPRESENTED AT ALL.
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The year 1913 is the year in which the U.S. Constitution was rendered inoperative, although the OHIO CONNECTION had set it up earlier. President WOODROW WILSON is blamed for the three- (3) happenings, which is not entirely true. For the uninformed reader, these three(3) happenings were:
1. On February 25, 1913, the 16th Amendment (income tax) was "ratified" and became "law". This is what Congress and the I.R.S. claims is authority for taxing your wages, salary, business, etc... SEE EXHIBIT 1.
2. On May 31, 1913, the 17th Amendment (direct election of U.S. Senators) was "ratified" and became "law". This Amendment deprived the States of their participation in the United States Government............. SEE EXHIBIT 2.
3. On December 23, 1913, Congress "passed" a Joint Resolution known as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Control of the U.S. monetary system was transferred from Congress to a private banking corporation owned by a group of private bankers.
Much has been written about the 16th Amendment (Income Tax) and the Tax Laws as they effect you. Federal Reserve has been well aired. Little has been said about the 17th Amendment, and it is the 17th, which has rendered the U.S. Constitution inoperative, the past 69 years. The 17th is the real sleeper!
It was during the "term" of WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT, 1909 - 1913, that a Congress introduced both the 16th Amendment and the 17th Amendment not lawfully in session. The Amendments were not introduced properly, under the terms of the Contract.
By Law (Art. I. Sec 3 U.S. Constitution), The Vice-President of the U.S. is the President of the U.S.Senate, and he calls the Senate into session. If for some reason the President of the U.S. Cannot serve, then the Vice-President becomes President according to Art. II, Sec. 1, U.S. Constitution. TAFT was not eligible to be President because he was not natural born, nor did he reside for 14 years in the United States, which are the Contract requirements. TAFT was not the 27th President of the United States. Vice President JAMES S. SHERMAN was, by operation of constitutional law, the 27th President of the U.S.
As President, JAMES S. SHERMAN did not have the power to call the Senate into session, because that would violate the separation of power doctrine. The President (Executive) may not exercise Legislative powers. Congress was not in session from March 4, 1909 to March 4,1913 because the Senate was not called into session, except by President of the U.S. JAMES S. SHERMAN, which SHERMAN had no power' to do as President of the United States.
Think of Congress as a store or supermarket or bank. If someone does not unlock the doors and open up for business, no business can be transacted. Congress was not open for business because the V. P. wasn't there to open up. No business could be transacted.
The Joint Resolutions of Congress known as the 16th Amendment (1909) and the 17th Amendment (1912) were "passed" at a time when Congress was not open for business, lawfully. By Law, they are void acts of Congress*
They do not meet the requirements of the Contract. The formality of the States ratifying the 16th and 17th was just a waste of time, an exercise in futility. Simply stated: THERE IS NO 16th AMENDMENT (INCOME TAX). THERE IS NO 17th AMENDMENT (Direct election of U.S. Senators)
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There are other reasons why both of these "Amendments" do not lawfully exist, and only the 17th will be dealt with in further detail here, because of its impact on our whole United States Government.
By now, your sense of fairness and charity will have caused you to reject what you have read so far. You must be thinking that honest mistakes were made. Nobody is perfect -- This is the Land of the Free and the Home of
the Brave -- It can't happen here!
Art I, Sec. 9. Cl. 3 (RESTRAINTS on FEDERAL GOVERNMENT: "No ...... ex post factor law shall be passed." U.S. Constitution.
Did the bar,with treasonous intent,seek to destroy our nation & Supreme Law?
The OHIO CONNECTION is no mistake. The OHIO REPUBLICANS knew that they bad siezed the power of the United States back in 1905-1913, and they intend to keep it, if they can. Take the Joint Resolution of Congress of August 7, 1953 for example. President EISENHOWER took office in 1953 for his first term, and RICHARD M. NIXON was Vice-President. On August 7, 1953, Congress "admitted" OHIO to the United States, retroactive to 1803. A photocopy of that Resolution appears in the first part of this booklet as PL 204. President EISENHOWER knew that OHIO was not a State of the United States because he signed that Resolution into "Law". NIXON knew that OHIO was not a State of the United States, because he was the President of the Senate that "passed" that Resolution. Congress knew that OHIO was not a State of the United States, because they created the Resolution.
Including EISENHOWER and NIXON, the 96 SENATORS, and the 435 REPRESENTATIVES, at least 533 Officers of the United States knew that OHIO was not a State of the United States, and prior to August 7, 1953. Every one of these men swore to uphold and defend the Contract (U.S.Constitution).... Did they?
If they had been honorable men, intent upon correcting an oversight or error, they would have attempted to "admit" OHIO effective after August 7, 1953, which Congress could have done. Were they honorable men?
Instead, they enacted the Resolution of August 7,1953 retroactive to March 1, 1803 -- 150 years ex post facto. Congress is prohibited from passing ex post facto Law by the Contract, at Art. I, Sec. 9, U.S. Constitution.
OHIO has never been admitted to the United States, to this very day.
KNOWING that OHIO was not a State of the United States prior to 1953, by their own admission of August 7, 1953, they certainly knew that the 16th and 17th Amendments and much of other "law" passed before 1953, was questionable to say the least. NIXON is a lawyer, and at least 5O% of Congress is made up of attorneys. The rest all have staffs of LAWYERS. It doesn't hold water to think they didn't know the legal significance of the OHIO CONNECTION.
They all knew that Congress did not have the power to pass ex post facto law. They broke the law in order to gain more power and control, and they knew what they were doing.
Using the "16th Amendment" as its grant of authority, Congress created the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (Title 26, U.S. Code), knowing full well that the 16th did not lawfully exist. The I.R.C. of 1954 is the current Income Tax "law" which is used to put productive, peaceful, honest Americans out of business, and/or in jail. This is the "law" which taxes your wages, salary, tips (gifts), etc.. These men wanted to Rob, and to Control, the People, the Nation, and the World. To a large measure, they bave been successful. The OHIO CONNECTION, like all successful conspiracies, has been a well kept secret from the American people. Only the "in" crowd knows about it.
If you think that nobody in Congress today knows about the OHIO Connection, you'd be wrong. Both DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS know about it. You were not told about it.
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Where was/is our Free Press to give us the facts?
The 1981 Congressional Directory (97th Congress)lists the members of the 97th, 1981 - 1983, as being in continuous service since January 3, 1953 or earlier. These lived through the August 7, 1953 Resolution to "admit'
OHIO. Many others have switched to other parts of government service, and it would take some research to track them down. However, here are the known names still active in the Congress within the timeframe mentioned.
JAMIE L. WHITTEN (Mississippi)
CARL D. PERKINS (Kentucky)
PETER W. RODINO, JR. (New Jersey)
SIDNEY R. YATES (Illinois)
L.H. FOUNTAIN (North Carolina)
JOHN J. RHODES (Arizona)
THOMAS (Tip) P. O'NEILL (Massachusetts)
JOHN C. STENNIS (Mississippi)
RUSSELL B. LONG (Louisiana)
HENRY M. JACKSON (Washington)
BARRY GOLDWATER (1953 - 1965)
All of the above named have been in the Congress for 30 years or more. This, in itself, should shock the reader.
Isn't it interesting that Speaker of the House "TIP" O'NEILL, the top Democrat, has kept silent about the OHIO Republicans all this time? The OHIO CONNECTION is very much alive today, and affecting our daily lives.
The U.S. Senate, as designed by We The People and our agents, the States, is a continuous body. The Senators, each chosen for a term of six (6) years, are staggered so that every two (2) years, one-third of the Senate is retired, while two-thirds remain to insure continuity, as required by Art. I, Sec. 3, U.S. Constitution.
The Senate is the senior body in the Congress, and its members are to be chosen by the Legislature of each State, to represent that State in Congress. The "17th Amendment" changed all that, (did it?) by providing for the direct election of Senators by the people.
Now, both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate represent the people who elected them, Party A to the Contract. Who represents Party B, the States??? NOBODY! !! The States (Party B) have been locked out of
participation in the Contract, supposedly by the 17th Amendment. However, there is no way of having a continuing, and valid Contract, which requires participation of both contracting parties, if one party is prevented from fulfilling its duties and obligations under the terms of the Contract.
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It is the total of simplicity of the scheme that has fooled everyone, for almost 70 years. Because there seems to still be two (2) Senators from each State as required by the Contract, nobody bothered to investigate the radical change intended by the OHIO CONNECTION. The form remains, but the Substance of the U.S. Senate has been removed. The States have all been deprived of their Suffrage (vote) in the Senate. This is clear. The Senate now is supposed to represent the people who elected the Senators. This is a change in our Form of Governmment, from a Constitutional Republic to a Democracy, unlawfully achieved. THE U.S. IS a D E M 0 C R A C Y!
There have been no "test cases" of the Constitutionality of the 17th in any Federal Court, in the past 69 years. This in itself seems strange. People have gone to Court over the most trivial matters, even to 'test' the constitutional rights of a girl to play on an all-boy Little League baseball team. How come nobody 'tested' the 17th? If you think 70 years is a long time for something to go undetected, remember, it took 150 years to realize that OHIO was not a State of the United States. Think about that. NO TEST CASE OF THIS "CONGRESSIONAL" ACT.
How do you think the Federal Government grew so big and powerful over the past 50 years? The States were in no position to object.
1. While it should not be necessary to do so, the following reasons are set forth to show the cynical reader that the "17th" could never lawfully happen in the States.
1. The Contract is clear, so far as the States being Part B, according to Art. VII, U.S. Constitution. Clearer still is the fact that, under the terms of the Contract, the States (Party B) have a continuing duty and responsibility. The contractural duty and responsibility of the States (Party B) may truly be called Obligations of Contract.
"No State shall... pass any... Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts,..." Art. I, Sec. 10. U.S. Constitution
The U.S. Constitution is our most basic Contract, as well as the Fundamental Law. Preventing one (1) party to that Contract from fulfilling its Obligation of Contract certainly impairs that Contract. It follows that, legislation such as the "17th" is clearly prohibited by the Contract itself, the Contract is the Supreme Law of the Land!
2. The Contract is especially clear concerning State (Party B) Suffrage (vote) in the Senate, and sets special conditions to protect that right, in the Amendment Process itself.
"NO State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate." Art. V. U.S. Constitution Using the 1913 "ratification" of the "17th" as an example, here is what happened:
36 States (including OHIO) "ratified". That is, they "Consented" to being Deprived of their Suffrage (vote) in the Senate. Louisiana "ratified" at a later date. 2 States (UTAH & DELAWARE) rejected the "17th", and were deprived of Suffrage without Consent.
9 States took no action whatsoever on the 17th. They did not ratify nor did they reject. Quite obviously, they did not Consent, and they too were deprived of their Suffrage in the Senate without their Consent.
Therefore, at least 11 States were deprived of their Suffrage in the Senate, without their Consent. Art. V. U.S. Constitution prohibits even 1 State from being deprived without its Consent.
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Actually, ALL STATES were deprived of their equal Suffrage in the Senate, without their Consent, by the fraudulent way the scheme was presented.
3. Nowhere in the "17th" is there any clause stating:
"The People (Party A) shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the States (Party B) upon the ratification of this Amendment, and, therefore, the States (Party B) shall be absolved from said duties and responsibilities under the terms of the original Contract" - or words to that effect. Had such a clause been included, both the People & the States would have been alerted to what was really intended, so this clause does not appear. The entire presentation was a Fraud, from its inception. Even if we wish to think of the "17th" as an honest mistake; a mistake we will have to live with until corrected, the facts prevent us from doing so. It was no mistake.
However, this does present a whole series of problems for those who wish to Control the American People.
The simple fact of the matter is that the U.S. Senate has not had one representative of Party B available to conduct the business of the U.S. Senate since 1914, when the States stopped choosing two (2) U.S. Senators as required by Art. I. See. 3, U.S. Constitution. All Senators elected by the people after 1914 are imposters, under the terms of the Contract. All U.S. SENATE SEATS ARE NOW VACANT, AND HAVE BEEN SINCE 1914. The doors of the Senate were closed for business in 1913, and haven't been open since that time. Congress has not been lawfully in session for even 1 day, since 1914. This fact has a most profound effect on you and me personally, as you will see.
The Legislative Department is the Congress, which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Congress shall make all Laws of the United States, and all laws require two (2) signatures, namely: Party A
(People) and Party B (States). These are the terms of the Contract, according to Art. I, Sec. 1, 2, 3, U.S. Constitution. There are no exceptions granted or implied.
Congress has enacted thousands of laws since 1914, each and every one of which is missing the signature of Party B (States). These acts have the appearance of law, "color of law", but they are not law at all. They lack the approval of the States (Party B), a requirement for all U.S. Law.
The Executive Department is devastated by the absence of Party B (States) from the Senate. Under the terms of the Contract, Party A (People) have no voice whatsoever in Presidential Appointments. However, no Presidential Appointment is valid without the Advice & Consent of Party B (States). The Contract is quite clear on this point: he (President) shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls,
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Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States,..." Art. II. Sec 2, U.S.C.
The U.S. Senate must be in session in order to give its Advice and Consent to Presidential Nominations and Appointments. Because of the absence of Party B (States),the U.S. Senate has not been in session since 1914. It (Party B) has not granted its Advice and Consent to any Presidential Nomination or Appointment since 1914. There have not been any lawful Presidential Appointments made since 1914.
While on the topic of the Executive Department, we might as well consider Treaties. Here again, Party A (People) have no part in treaty making; only Party B (States) and the President count, under the terms of the Contract.
"He (President) shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, Art. II, Sec. 2, U.S. Constitution. As a result of the 17th, the U.S. does not belong to the United Nations and the Panama Canal has not been lawfully given away; just to name two treaties.
Under the terms of the Contract, the Judicial Department is totally dependent upon the Presidential Appointment system. ALL FEDERAL JUDGES, LAW CLERKS, COURT CLERKS,U.S. MARSHALLS, and any other members of the Judicial Department, are all either Directly or Indirectly Presidential Appointees. However, there have not been any Presidential Appointments lawfully made, under the terms of the Contract, since 1914.
Yes, there are thousands and thousands of people posing as Federal Judges, Law Clerks, Court Clerks, U.S.Marshalls, etc. in the Judicial Department today. Not one of these people has any Judicial Power of the United States, because their appointment by the President lacks the required Advice & Consent of the states (Party B) and Party B has not given its Advice & Consent in the Senate since 1914.
For all practical purposes, the Federal Judicial Department is totally vacant. The power is the gun; power of law is gone.
While on the subject of the Federal Judiciary, it is worth mentioning the Federal Rules Act of 1934. This is a favorite of the Courts, because it granted to the U.S. Supreme Court the power to promulgate Rules for the Federal Courts. As a result, the U.S. Supreme Court wrote the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) in 1938, and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (FRCrimp) in 1945, for all Federal Courts to follow. As a result Common Law Courts have been almost totally abolished, State and Federal. By now, you probably realize that neither the Federal Rules Act of 1934, nor the FRCRimP & FRCP lawfully exist.
There are no lawfully appointed Federal Judges to use them.
Most State Courts have been forced by the Federal Government to adopt rules of procedure patterned after the FRCRimp and FRCP. In most States, there are no Common Law Courts any longer, because the "rules" require All Judges to be licensed LAWYERS, and all licensed LAWYERS to be 'Officers of the Court". This is in total defiance of the Contract, and especially Articles of Amendment I, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII known as the Bill of Rights. Courts of Justice and Righteousness no longer exist in the United States !!
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Under the terms of the Contract:
"The Congress shall have Power... To coin Money, and regulate the Value thereof,..." Art. I.
Sec. 8, U.S. Constitution.
"No State shall... coin Money; ... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts,..." Art. I, Sec. 10, U.S. Constitution.
Congress was given the responsibility to Coin Money and regulate its Value. The Congress was not given the power to delegate its responsibility, especially not to a private banking corporation formed by a group of private bankers. The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals "ruled" that the Federal Reserve was not a part of the Federal Government in Lewis v. U.S. in late 1982. It took 69 years for any Court to make that determination, and that decision is only informative. It has no validity, because the Judges making that determination were not lawfully appointed with the Advice and Consent of Party B.
AND, of course, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 does not exist at all because of the OHIO CONNECTION and the flawed 17th.
What is needed is a lawful Congress to coin Money and regulate the Value thereof. That is what is needed.
Nothing else will do !!!
A National Debt can only be incurred in one way, namely; by the Congress approving a National Budget, and then passing Appropriations Bills to withdraw Money from the U.S. Treasury to pay these Debts. If Congress approves spending more than it takes in, the difference is the National Debt. Of course, like your own checking account, you have to make some deposits from time to time to cover your checks or the checks will bounce; so too with Congress. It passes bills of taxation to raise deposit money. Notice here the word "Congress" keeps cropping up. It takes Congress to incur the National Debt. In order for Congress to lawfully incur any National Debt, the approval of Party B (States) is necessary. Party B (States) has not approved of any National Debts since 1914.
Under terms of the Contract:
"No Money shall be drawn (withdrawn) from the Treasury, but in Consequences of Appropriations
made by Law;" Art. I, Sec 9, U.S. Constitution
Making Law and Appropriations Bills require two (2) signatures, under the terms of the Contract at Art. I Sec. 1, 2, 3, U.S. Constitution. Party A and Party B are the two (2) signatures required for making Laws and Appropriations.
Because there has been no one available to provide the signature of Party B (States) since 1914, on any withdrawal slips, it follows that no Money has been lawfully withdrawn from the U.S. Treasury since 1914. ALL MONEY TAKEN FROM THE U.S. TREASURY SINCE 1914 HAS BEEN ILLEGALLY WITHDRAWN, WHICH IS THEFT! THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS POSSIBLE.
The situation is so absurd that even our elected Constitutional Officers, those men whom we elected, such as the President, Vice-President, and Representatives, have no lawful way of getting paid. Party B (States) is needed to both Appropriace their salaries and sign the withdrawal slip to pay them. Party B has not been available to provide any signatures since 1914.
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One thing should be clear at this point, namely; The Federal Government of today is not the Federal Government originally created by "We The People" and our "Sovereign States"... In appearance, it would seem to be the same because the Form has been retained. But In practice, it is a whole new ballgame, thanks to the OHIO CONNECTION.
The entire concept of a weak Federal Government and strong State Governments has been changed to an all powerful Federal Government and totally impotent State governments. The appearance has been given and is promoted that
the government today is controlled by the People. This is not true. Powerful lobbyists, and multinational corporation, and other special interest groups spend enormous sums to influence Congress, etc. to do their bidding. The
political parties are all controlled by these same foreign elements. The people (you) today, have lost control of their governments, State and Federal, to the political parties controlled by the OHIO CONNECTION and its subsidiaries in Crime.
The mass media dutifully reports every day on how the Federal Government is "fighting" crime. Why cannot the (FG) control it? The answer is simple, and the irony of the situation great!
When you think about how the Federal Government (FG) is interrupting our daily lives, remember, this was not always so. As a matter of fact, the (FG) is very limited in what it can lawfully do, and it has overreached its
limit across the board.
It is indeed strange that the (FG) insists, on the one hand, in controlling our lives, which it has no lawful power to do - while on the other hand, it refuses to do the jobs we assigned to it to do, and which it has the lawful power to do.
Truly, Alice in Wonderland ! Under the terms of the Contract:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively,
or to the people." ARTICLE "X AMENDMENT"(Bill of Rights).
A brief look at the situation of Christian Churches & Schools should convince you that we are suffering under a Lawless Federal Government.
Pastor Sileven, First Baptist Church, Louisville, in Nebraska, has received national media attention in his battle to keep open his Church school. His Church was padlocked, ministers and congregation forcibly carried out
of the Church. He was jailed - His CRIME? Trying to teach Christianity.
Most Christian Churches have let themselves come under the control of the (FG) by accepting Tax Exempt Status from the IRS and allowing their members to deduct contributions. What true Christian would permit himself to be bribed; to accept Stolen Money; to permit government (a creature of man) to rule over his Church (Creature of God)? Yet, this is exactly what has happened. We believe our Christian principles protect us, we do nothing to protect those Christian principles on a daily basis.
WE ARE NOT LIVING OUR CHRISTIANITY ! Saying we are a Christian Nation and not fighting with all our might to keep it that way, does not make it so - only actions speak.
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If we are a Christian Nation doesn't it seem strange that the (FG) is attacking Christianity? Not if you realize that the present-day (FG) is an Alien Government, in part due to the OHIO CONNECTION.
Ultimately, the choice is yours and mine, not "George's". 'Ihis is our Government; our Nation. The time is short to decide, but a decision is needed. What do You really want, now?:
The Jubilee Year of 1983 Commemorating the 1950th Anniversary of the crucifixion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST, and all that Jubilee implies,
- OR -GEORGE ORWELL'S 1984 - and - The Atheistic Police State ???
1983 or 1984 ??? Which will it be?
There is a very simple solution to the extremely complex problems of the (FG). In solving any problem, the first step is to define the problem, which has been done.
The problem simply defined is:
That is what is wrong with the United States Government today. It is the root cause of all the other problems facing Americans today. This problem must be solved first, after which all other problems are possible to be solved. Unless this problem is solved, there is no possible solution to any other involving the (FG). It is as simple as that. The Contract cannot function without the participation of the sovereign States (PARTY B).
Once you realize that the States (PARTY B) have been deprived of their equal Suffrage in the U.S. Senate, you can then easily recognize the fact that the U.S. Senate is VACANT, because there is nobody there representing the
States (PARTY B) The 100 U.S. Senators now sitting, have no business being there, because they represent the people (who "elected" them). The people are only to be represented in the House of Representatives, under the terms of the
Contract. ALL U.S. SENATE SEATS ARE VACANT, AND HAVE BEEN SINCE 1914. The Contract, as originally written, provides the solution:
... and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies." ARTICLE I, Sec. 3, U.S. Constitution
The Founding fathers thought of everything ! ! ! ! !
It might be nice if each State Executive (Governor) officially declared the seats of the two (2) U.S. Senators Vacant. This is not absolutely necessary, but it would be helpful.
All that is necessary, is for the Legislatures of each State to choose two (2) U.S. Senators from that State to represent that State in the U.S. Senate, which is the precise requirement of the Contract as originally written.
**** The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the legislature thereof, for six years;" ****
Article I, Sec. 3, U.S. Constitution
U T A H & D E L A W A R E --- You may start this out!
Page 14
This author would not presume to tell you how the best way might be to get your State Legislature to act. However, since our form is really a "grass roots" one, it might be appropriate for this to be a "down-home" movement to restore our Constitutional REPUBLIC. This author can tell you what will not work. Do not expect the entrenched bureaucracy to suddenly "volunteer" to become lawful. Do not expect the vested interests to work against their own, in destroying you. We The People are the Masters of both the State and the (FG). We had better start acting as the Master, while we are still able... 1983 or 1984.
Author's Note:
Many people today are critical of our experiment in self-government. They question whether the American people are really capable of self~government. All of these critics suggest more tinkering with the Constitution, or substituting something else for it. It is unfair to criticize our Constitutional REPUBLIC when we have not had a functioning Constitution in our life-time, because of the Alien forces controlling us from without and from within. Instead of scrapping our experiment in Self~government, we ought to at least try it to see if it can work. Then and only then, will we be able to make an intelligent choice.
It is not the intent of this author to write a booklet on history. It is the intent of this author to show how the U.S. Constitution was rendered inoperative by depriving the States of their equal Suffrage (vote) in the Senate, and showing what has to be done to correct this serious defect in the Federal Government. The author felt compelled to bring this to the attention of the American people because they have not been told the true nature of their government, especially the importance of the States.
Unless they know how our form of government is supposed to work, they cannot make it work.
The author is not interested in his own personal gain. Besides, what is contained in this booklet is really public information, and is published in the public interest. The copyright laws have long since expired, so there is no point in protecting this booklet.
Feel free to photocopy and distribute this booklet. The more people that are made aware of the problem of the "missing States" in the U.S. Senate, the greater the chance of restoring a lawful U.S. Senate and a lawful United States Government. The least you can do is to spread the word to your fellow Americans. Once informed, they will take care of the problem, in a peaceful and orderly manner. They will redeem our Heritage, and restore our U.S. Constitution.
Supplemental note by other authors:
It would not require much expense for you to reproduce enough of this booklet for all your State Officials, including your Governor. Once in their hands, if they do not see how they have been cheated and do not have the courage to act, then it is a sad commentary on them.
We have seen and are seeing the disintegration of the Democracy that has been created by the bogus 17th. The term "Democracy" means Demagogues, License, Impulse, Agitation, Discontent, Anarchy, Chaos, Socialism, Mobocracy and worse. Look around you. In the establishment media, on TV and RADIO, you see everyone of these descriptions.
And, there is a RISING TIDE OF VIOLENCE. We see non-courts handing down decisions that make no sense at all because they know they are not bound by the original Contract.
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This Rising Tide will speed up; it cannot be put down by oppression of more unlawful acts. The Rising Tide will destroy this nation! We see neighbor against neighbor, child against parent, teacher against student, producer against looter, et cetera - x - x - x - x - no end.
Little did the unlawful ones in government realize that those crafty framers of the Constitution would rise out of their graves to save this nation even in spite of its waywardness. We must be their proxies! We must try to make the States see the solution is in their hands. Why not act now?
DANIEL WEBSTER: "The Constitution ... is a bond, and the only bond, of the union of these states; it is all that gives us a national character." The Constitution; Hickey.
In Thayer v. Hedges (22 IND. 287) the court states it another way, " ... Ours is either a government of the Constitution or it is not." And on page 296: "This Constitution, then, is, in fact, the government, created by our fathers, and when it dies, that government expires."
No one can express the facts better than these eloquent and honorable men. The Constitution has been destroyed. Only the fact is left to be discovered. Catastrophe is waiting in the wings. ACT NOW!
(copy of transcript from minutes)Secretary of State of the United States of America
To all to Whom these Presents may come, Greeting:
Know Ye that, the Congress of the United States at the first Session, sixty-first Congress, in the year one thousand nine hundred and nine passed a Resolution in the words and figures following: to wit-
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States, shall be valid to all intents and purposes as a part of the Constitution:
Article XVI. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or numeration.'"
And, further, that it appears from official documents on file in this Department that the Amendment to the Constitution of the United States proposed as aforesaid has been ratified by the Legislatures of Abe States of Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina, Illinois, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Maryland, Georgia, Texas, Ohio Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California. Montana, Indiana, Nevada, North Carolina, Nebraska, Kansas. Colorado, North Dakota, Michigan, Iowa, Missouri, Maine, Tennessee, Arkansas, Wisconsin, New York, South Dakota, Arizona, Minnesota, Louisiana, Delaware, and Wyoming, in all thirty-six.
And, further, that the States whose Legislatures have so ratified the said proposed Amendment. constitute three fourths of the whole number of States in the United States.
And further, that it appears from official documents on file in this department that the Legislatures of New Jersey and New Mexico passed Resolutions ratifying the said proposed Amendment.
Now therefore, be it known that I, Philander C. Knox, Secretary of State of the United States by virtue and in pursuance of Section 205 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, do hereby certify that the Amendment aforesaid has become valid to all intents and purposes as a part of the Constitution of the United States.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Department of State to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington this twenty-fifth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and thirty-seventh.(top)
To all to Whom these Presents may come, Greeting:
Know Ye that, the Congress if the United States at the second session, sixty-second Congress,
ln the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve passed a Resolution in the words and figures following: to wit-
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution providing that Senators
shall be elected by the people of the several states.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein) That in lieu of the first paragraph Of section three of Article I of the Constitution of the United States, and in lieu of so much of paragraph two of the same section as relates to the filling of vacancies, the following be proposed as an amendment to the Constitution, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the States:
'The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State elected by the people thereof, for, six years; as the constitution.
And, further, that it appears from official documents on file in this Department that the Amendment to the Constitution of the United States proposed as aforesaid has been ratified by the legislatures of the States of Massachusetts, Arizona, Minnesota, New York, Kansas, Oregon, North Carolina, California, Michigan, Idaho, West Virginia, Nebraska, Iowa, Montana, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, Colorado, Illinois, North Dakota, Nevada, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Ohio, South Dakota, Indiana, Missouri, New Mexico, New Jersey, Tennessee, Arkansas, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.(top)